Tattoo copy of Paula Rego drawing

All very new and although the drawing isĀ  overworked in areas, this was an exercise in treating the tattoo machine (and practice skin) as traditional drawing media….. and it was fun!

About amanda

Practising artist and current PhD student. Reseach is practice based and concerned with identifying and alleviating anxieties relating to the female nude in current painting and drawing practice.
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4 Responses to Tattoo copy of Paula Rego drawing

  1. amanda says:

    Glad you liked, lol!I’ll keep you posted!

  2. owain says:

    I predict a bright future for skin. Amazing – unlike anything I’ve seen! Ink me, please!

    • Sarah says:

      completely agree with Owain, I’ve not seen any tattoos as painterly as this before … can painterly even be used in the description of tattooing? … who knows, it’s just fab :-) Am also loving the life drawing on the practise skin idea, if I think too much about the skin being translated onto skin my head goes a little fuzzy haha!

      • amanda says:

        Thank you- it is a bit of a conceptual head spin isn’t it!
        Don’t think it would translate the same onto actual skin, the mark making is a bit out there in relation to traditional tattooing, but as the concept and technique tightens, eventually I’d like to develop it that way too.

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